https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/ 歐愷有限公司
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3
本公司Aukai Swim和台灣防溺教育品牌"像一條魚ikeafish" 有感於台灣民眾身為海島國民卻畏懼海洋,缺乏水中自救觀念,決定攜手開發防溺及可安心在開放水域戲水的產品,聯手開發了充氣魚雷浮標 Safe Tube。 優點如下: 1.穩定 可以固定在腰上,而且寬度可以調整,小朋友的腰圍也適用,不像游泳圈容易被被大浪沖走,採用雙層尼龍貼布,更加堅固防止被暗礁刮破的可能。 2.方便 採用充氣式而非泡綿式,只要吹30秒即可充氣完成,讓收納非常容易,洩氣後大小和一個摺傘相近。 3.舒適 特別的長條型設計可以讓體力沒那麼好的一般民眾有機會趴或坐在上面休息,享受徜徉在大海之中的快感。 現在到以下蝦皮賣場即可立即購買!  https://shope.ee/2LCDG3H70G     https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_495002.html 充氣浮條新品上市 2024-07-12 2025-07-12
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_495002.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_495002.html
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歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3
Coach Hsu Wen Erh is the very first Taiwanese who swam across Strait of Gibraltar. Her ambition is more than that. She plans to challenge 7 channel swims - "The Oceans Seven Challenge". ‘Oceans Seven’ consists of seven long-distance open-water swims across the most dangerous sea channels in the world. She is a very famous ocean swim advocater and open water swim coach in Taiwan. Her passion to ocean swim is second to nonw. She is a wonderful lady with strong faith! Let's continue cheering her up for her ocean swim journey!Safe Swim Buoy is happy to provide her swim buoy and swim cap with her swim club logo. https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_485636.html Coach Hsu Erh Ordered Safe Swim Buoy for Her Swim Team! 2024-07-12 2025-07-12
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_485636.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_485636.html
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2024-07-12 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_485636.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3
U2U24 was conceived as an alternative to Rottnest channel swim after Covid-19 caused travel restrictions for all Victorians.Peter HU24 was conceived as an alternative to Rottnest channel swim after Covid-19 caused travel restrictions for all Victorians.Peter Hendriks and Charlie Evans developed the swim as an alternative for those who had already committed to Rottnest training and didn’t want to waste that effort or preparationehandriks and Charlie Evans developed the swim as an alternative for those who had already committed to Rottnest training and didn’t want to waste that effort or preparation4 was conceived as an alternative to Rottnest channel swim after Covid-19 caused travel restrictions for all Victorians.Peter Hendriks and Charlie Evans developed the swim as an alternative for those who had already committed to Rottnest training and didn’t want to waste that effort or preparation https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_483465.html A successful collaboration with U24 Ultra Marathon Swim in Victoria, Australia 2024-07-12 2025-07-12
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_483465.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_483465.html
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2024-07-12 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_483465.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3
The world famous Patagonman Xtri 2023 event was successfully held on 3rd Dec. Starting in the Aysen Fjord, athletes must swim 3.8 kilometers, cycle 180 kilometers along the famous Carretera Austral, and then run 42.2 kilometers through canyons, next to lakes and waterfalls to General Carrera Lake. The stunning scenery along the course and the difficulty of the event are unforgettable memories for the participants. "This race is real grit! It's the hardest triathlon and one of the most special races I have ever done and I've been racing triathlon for a very long time. Patagonman is raw triathlon!" Quoted by Tim Don ITU Triathlon World Champion Ironman World Record Holder 3X Olympic AthletePatagonman | The RaceSafe Swim Buoy is very proud to provide swim buoys and silicone swim caps for this wonderful event! https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_478564.html Patagonman Xtri 2023 was held on 3rd Dec. successully! 2024-07-12 2025-07-12
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_478564.html
歐愷有限公司 台北市寧波西街31號6樓-3 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_478564.html
https://schema.org/EventMovedOnline https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode
2024-07-12 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.safeswimbuoy.com/zh/hot_478564.html